Delivering the Goods – the Logistics of Euro 2020
Posted 22nd June, 2021
Although Europe’s most important and prestigious football competition is currently in full swing, it is an event that should have taken place last year but was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the event happening a year later than expected, it was decided by UEFA that the tournament would retain its original name “UEFA Euro 2020”. In this article, we look at the incredible behind the scenes logistics that enable this event to take place.
Euro 2020 in numbers
When we talk about football tournaments such as the Euros, our attention to numbers is usually all about points, goals, penalties, yellow and red cards and a myriad of other on-pitch statistics that are encountered in the beautiful game. But look behind the scenes, and there is a whole other set of numbers that most of us are completely unaware of. For the current Euro 2020 football championships these include:
- 11 stadiums in 11 different countries
- 20 base camps in 17 different countries
- A film studio for the 3D virtual opening ceremony
- 42 kilometeres of fencing
- 60,000 items of furniture
- 15,000 packs of uniform
- 20,000 truck deliveries
- 3,049 total Host Broadcast staff working in the 11 stadiums, the International Broadcsrt Centre (IBC), the Nyon Hub and in London
- 36 match coverage cameras per game
- 8 native UHD-HDR cameras at each game
- 1000 people at the IBC
- 70,000+ km of fibre
- 11 HD graphics trucks
Delivering the goods
You may think that great football is delivered by great footballers – but as you can see from the numbers above, this can only take place with an incredible logistics operation taking place behind the scenes to make sure the right equipment and people are in the right place, at the right time.
Delivering everything required for a successful tournament involves an army of delivery drivers, lorries and forklift trucks working day and night to ensure everything is where it needs to be. And at the heart of this incredible mission is of course the humble pallet, without which it would be far harder, if not absolutely impossible, to deliver the goods.
The power of people
According to UEFA Event Logistics Manager David Godenschwege, the success of an event of this scale, and indeed any logistics operation, comes down to two key factors – the right people and the right processes. He firmly believes that no matter how big or small the challenge, having an experienced team that is passionate about what they do and always willing to go the extra mile is at the heart of a successful logistics partnership.
Station Couriers – your perfect logistics partner
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